Veterinary Compounding
When commercial veterinary medicines are unavailable, veterinarians turn to Stark Pharmacy. We can compound veterinary medicine prescription items to meet your specifications for the exact drug, strength, size, dosage form, and flavor your pets need. A veterinarian knows best which medicine their patients respond to and can make a clinical difference. We can provide standard and custom dosage forms of prescription veterinary medications. We’ll even create flavored chewable treats your pets will enjoy.
Some of the most common compounded veterinary medications include:
- Methimazole topical gel, oral suspension, and chewable treats
- Potassium bromide or sodium bromide capsules or solution
- Prednisolone suspension and chewable treats
- Amlodipine topical gel, oral suspension, and chewable treats
- Fluoxetine topical gel, oral suspension, and chewable treats
- Amitriptyline topical gel, oral suspension, and chewable treats
- Gabapentin capsules, topical gel, oral suspension, and chewable treats
- Metronidazole oral suspension and chewable treats
- Various antibiotic suspensions and chewable treats
- Diazepam suppositories
- Apomorphine
- And many, many more