For women seeking access to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), Stark Pharmacy provides free consultation services to help you determine the benefits of an ongoing hormone management program. This program allows us to evaluate your needs by means of a completed patient worksheet for women, lab work, and personal or phone consultation with a hormone specialty pharmacist. After all are completed, we will work with your doctor to determine a therapy so a customized prescription can be compounded for you.
Click the Video Below for a Quick Introduction to Bioidentical Hormone Therapy.
Click here to see more hormone video tutorialsThere are many benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy for women. Each patient receives individualized doses to meet their unique needs. You are unique, with your own normal hormone levels. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones must be properly balanced for optimum health. Working with your physician and a compounding pharmacist, you can receive specific amounts of each hormone to create the therapy that is just right for you.
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Many women are already aware of BHRT due to some reading or research on the internet. You probably already have an opinion, but may have some wrong data or impressions. Please contact Stark Pharmacy to get more information and get your questions answered. We also have regular educational seminars for you to learn more!
The different testing options include Blood Serum, Saliva, or Blood Spot. Choosing the right test dependds on your specific health needs. Call and talk to our staff to determine the right test based on your symptoms, treatment goals, and medical history. Click on the box below to view our recommended hormone panel to get started.